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Thread: Mounting StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm ISO file in Ubuntu

i having problem:

(trying) install iso release (8.4gb file), , problem is, once mount iso, see 1 directory, , 1 file (starcraft ii setup.exe) - running file, gives me error missing archive files (after discovered missing files inside mounted iso under linux) - however, using same iso on windows 8 machine daemon tools, shows 11 items (while have directory , .exe file in linux, using ls -a!).

i've been mounting using mount -o loop /home/username/downloads/starcraft_ii_heart_of_the_swarm-flt/flt-hots.iso
tried -t udf

week ago, different installer error: requires windows secondary logon service enabled.
please click error code...

error code leads

please, can help?
great have run on ubuntu well!

ps: running ubuntu raring ringtail (13.04, if significant).


had same issue tonight. work around, performed following 2 steps.

1. updated wine beta version 1.5

2. did not install cd, selected run installer downloaded when download link , asks program want run with, select wine (it found under /usr/bin/wine).


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine Mounting StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm ISO file in Ubuntu



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