How to use Device Profiles and Viewing Conditions Profile in Photoshop Elements 11?

in trying grips colour management aspects of pse11, have encountered following problems:

having selected "display" sequence of clicks (change display settings -> advanced settings -> colour management -> colour management tab -> colour management)

gives screen includes headings:

device profile  , viewing conditions profile.

1. device profile. besides srgb , argb, profile list includes profiles of epson papers. (i have epson stylus photo px810fw).

i changed profile epson grayscale, accepted within menu, there no changes normal when viewed image on windows screen or within

pse11. ("normal" srgb or argb).

i thought worth try test that, if wanted display image closely represent on particular epson paper, may way it.(i suspected approach because have never

seen in literature!).

so purpose of of paper profiles appearing in display listing?

2. viewing conditions profile has several options. have tried find criteria choosing 1 rather other, failed find information. can help? seek general guidance

rather details of profiles.


as seperate question:

selecting image on pse11 menu across top of displayed image, , convert colour profile, tried process on image, converting tiff srgb. when saved there asterisk in saved title in case,

the file still labelled tiff , there no change in number of mbs. if conversion has taken place, how 1 know?  saving tiff file jpeg change colour profile? when useful use feature?

many responders! 

addressing second question, confusing 2 different things.



  • a colour profile represents colour characteristics of devices that, example, displays know how display colours, printers know how print them.


image files may, not have to, contain colour profiles.


for details: html


insanity hereditary, children


if post or user's post resolves original issue, please mark posts correct and/or helpful accordingly. helps other users similar trouble answers questions quicker. thanks.

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