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Thread: Migration from HD to SSD & upgrade to 64bit + encryption..

hi forum users,
i'm stuck!. have 250gb hard disk ubuntu 12.10 i386 loaded upon it. i've discovered computer has dual core processor wanted upgrade 64bit, had fit of enthusiasm , bought 120gb ssd.

started backing home directory nas drive using backup utility & closed system down. removed hd , lobbed usb enclosure , fitted new ssd. booted 64bit ubuntu cd drive & installed onto ssd. again, security of encrypting home directory.

want access old hd, encrypted, copy contents of home folder across new ssd , follow advice "how upgrade x86 x64 without osing settings" uses "dpkg --get-selection > ~/installed-software"

problem have encrypted home folders difficult access. can live boot , mount both drives can't past "access private data", can access either home folder on x86 or x64 booting on drive, closer, can't access both @ same time stumbling @ private data access.

have re-installed x64 onto ssd using different passwords, using same passwords , tried mounting both, second drive report error, key mounted.

has before tried migrating smaller ssd larger hd, got around encryption , retained they're data??


i have got around encryption before, quite time ago , complicated. problem process poorly documented.

suggest radically easier:

  1. boot old system on hdd.
  2. copy files shared area on hdd.
  3. boot new system on ssd.
  4. copy data shared area on hdd encrypted home on ssd.
  5. delete shared area on hdd.

save huge amount of hassle.

alternatively, restore backups — test whether or not regular backups work correctly. how have done it.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Migration from HD to SSD & upgrade to 64bit + encryption..



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