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Thread: [SOLVED]Ubuntu or Some other Linux Distro?

hey guys, after installed ubuntu 12.10 on pc, had lot of problems. after getting tired of bs, installed windows xp on pc , removed ubuntu. still want use linux distro. think because of 12.10 being beta got issues planning dual-boot linux distro win-xp. question is, should go ubuntu or some other linux-distro? i tech-savvy , looking explore linux i'm beginner. if answer ubuntu, version of ubuntu should go for, or if other linux distro, one?

pc specs:

intel core 2 duo cpu
e4500 @ 2.20 ghz
2.19 ghz, 1.99 gb of ram

there many alternatives. if want version debugged , stable, , remain years, try ubuntu 12.04.2 or flavour of it, lubuntu, xubuntu or kubuntu. if want modern ubuntu version, install 13.04, release few days ago. linux mint, ubuntu under hood, beginner-friendly distro ...

download several iso files , try them live, booted cd/dvd/usb before deciding install. depending on hardware, may need boot option running

if specify computer, @ least cpu, ram , graphics card/chip, can more specific advice suitable flavours , versions try.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat [SOLVED]Ubuntu or Some other Linux Distro?



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