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Thread: Strange UFW behaviour. Blocks some Port 80 requests when told not to.


have ufw installed on webserver. i've asked nicely allow web traffic, , ssh traffic on non-standard port:
webserver:~# ufw status  status: active                          action       --                         ------      ----  222                        allow       anywhere  80                         allow       anywhere  443                        allow       anywhere  222                        allow       anywhere (v6)  80                         allow       anywhere (v6)  443                        allow       anywhere (v6)
however, when through ufw logs, see requests on port 80 being blocked:
server:> grep "dpt=80" /var/log/ufw.log | more  apr 21 03:28:44 blog kernel: [8550050.929758] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=40 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=115 id=4850 df proto=tcp spt=50027 dpt=80 window=4271 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 03:29:03 blog kernel: [8550070.176027] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=40 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=115 id=5033 df proto=tcp spt=50025 dpt=80 window=0 res=0x00 ack rst urgp=0   apr 21 05:06:45 blog kernel: [8555931.726810] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=10030 df proto=tcp spt=49197 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:06:45 blog kernel: [8555931.730049] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=54079 df proto=tcp spt=47306 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:06:53 blog kernel: [8555939.888083] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=10031 df proto=tcp spt=49197 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:06:53 blog kernel: [8555939.890696] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=54080 df proto=tcp spt=47306 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:07:09 blog kernel: [8555956.211300] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0x  00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=54081 df proto=tcp spt=47306 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:47:39 blog kernel: [8558386.029451] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0  x00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=60315 df proto=tcp spt=34968 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:47:40 blog kernel: [8558386.686857] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0  x00 prec=0x00 ttl=51 id=42017 df proto=tcp spt=55669 dpt=80 window=54 res=0x00 ack fin urgp=0   apr 21 05:47:40 blog kernel: [8558387.049957] [ufw block] in=eth0 out= mac=40:50:8b:02:03:05 src= dst= len=52 tos=0
this doesn't seem causing problems -- webserver can still accessed -- i'm curious why happening. fin , rst flags on packets?

is fin , rst flags on packets?
yes, has flag bits. tcp connections, linux tends use "half-duplex" close sequence either side of session can initiate connection termination via single 2 way fin-ack handshake (which puts connection close_wait state), instead of full 4 way fin-ack handshake. when 1 includes routers , such, not uncommon, indeed common, 1 side might think connection has been terminated, while other side thinks has still open or not terminated. log file is, probably, showing entries cases computer thinks tcp had been closed , has forgotten it, client trying close session. in case got rst bit, can because client gave trying fin method , trying reset connection. observation only, rather authoritative reference, seems apple computers tend use fin , fin-ack more, , ms windows computers tend use rst more.
conclusion: fine.

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